AMANDO TECHNOLOGICAL COMPANY LIMITED is National Business Registered and BRELA certified with a certificate of incorporationNo: 141346199.We are tax payers identified (TIN) 141-346-199
We provide specialized general supply assistance to our customers by supplying services to Government Institutions, Corporate Companies, Non-Government Organizations and individuals with a complete skilled and experienced efforts to build a strong team and instilling utmost value and on each day and every esteem customer.
We offer a fully comprehensive services to our customers and confident that we can deliver and coordinate the fully service required to each individual customer ,whether it is a straight forward or challenging request. We keep enough stock on hand that we deal with to ensure our valued customers and serviced whenever they need us.
To supply and deliver the highest quality products and services to our esteemed customer demands.
- Always we act utmost integrity and professionalism
- Always we adhere to quality, time, commitment and simplicity during our operations
- Always we treat our client the way we should like to be treated
- Always we guided by the principle that when our customer succeeds, we succeed
- Maintain quality standard and delivery performance to ensure stable supply
- World class operation in quality, time , commitment and supply
- Un beatable price to suite your requirement and accuracy delivery
- Quality products with variety choices to meet your needs
To become the leading General supply that offering our customer in beatable services and products at quality and affordable prices through creativity and innovation.
- Best Services and Quality
- 100% Guaranteed Service
- Considering customer satisfaction
- Customer Relationship
- Staff honest work
- We will always provide you with a realistic and Achievable delivery time
- Meet quality specifications.
- Have technical ability and knowledge
- Offer competitive price
- Provide needed information as and when required
- Can deliver quickly in an emergency
- Deliver when promised